Muse S OSC Streaming Not Working

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Muse S OSC Streaming Not Working

Post by coderdragon »

Hi there!

I've been trying to OSC stream via the Muse S headband and MuseMonitor iPad app to a 2019 Macbook Pro with MAX/MSP, as well as several basic receiver scripts in Python and Processing, but have had no luck after weeks of debugging now. So I'm very stumped and would really appreciate any help.

So far:
I've followed several tutorials like these and copied the exact same steps with the IP address and port protocols. Yet, the headband doesn't output any streaming results, nor detects the device despite showing live brain waves on the iPad app.

I've also searched all kinds of forums and github repositories for potential issues for which I have ruled all of them out, like:
- Mac Firewall
- # of connected bluetooth devices interrupting signal
- missing OSC packages on MAX/MSP or the PythonOSC scripts
- IOS privacy settings
- inputted same IP address for the Macbook on the MindMonitor app's target location
- ensured the chosen port was available for streaming use
- hotspotting wifi to improve OSC stream

Honestly, I'm not quite sure what else to do and I'm thinking it might be an issue with the compatibility between the new Macbooks and the Muse S?

I'm also not sure if it's supported because 99% of the documentation or code (like LSL) I found on Github are based exclusively for the 2016 Muse, even the most recent packages.

I would really appreciate some pointers.
Last edited by coderdragon on Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muse S OSC Streaming

Post by James »

Lets check you are streaming to the correct ip and able to receive data to the Mac.
Open terminal and run the command:

Your Mac's IP, will be the "inet addr", probably on the eth0 adapter. You'll also see "lo" loopback with an ip of, ignore that.
The IP you're looking for will likely be 192.168.something.something, or 10.10.something.something.

Put this IP as the "OSC Target IP" in Mind Monitor.

Try OSC Data Monitor and see if you're getting data through to the Mac: ... tamonitor/
Make sure to set it to receive on UDP 5000.

Press the stream button in Mind Monitor and you should see a bunch of data showing in the monitor program.
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Re: Muse S OSC Streaming Not Working

Post by coderdragon »

Thank you so much james and sorry for the late reply, it worked on OSC Data Monitor! I also found Petal Metrics, which supports both OSC and LSL, works really well:
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Re: Muse S OSC Streaming Not Working

Post by James »

Ok great! Did you get MAX/MSP working? If not, it's probably a config issue with it, rather than a networking issue.
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